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The truth about remote working...

​Remote work has emerged as a transformative force in the professional world. We can't deny it, remote working can be incredible. Offering flexibility, cost savings, and environmental benefits, it'...

New Blog Feature Images (7)
Reduce stress in your work-life with these five tips...

​Stress has become an inevitable part of our lives, especially in the workplace. From looming deadlines to demanding bosses, the pressures can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, mastering stress...

New Blog Feature Images (5)
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome at work?

​If you've experienced Imposter Syndrome at work, you're not alone.​93% of our network have experienced Imposter Syndrome during their career - 59% experience it frequently, 34% occasionally, and 7...

Cv Workshop (1)
Interview Guidance

Preparation is key!Preparing for an interview is your chance to showcase your skills, experiences, and suitability for the role. A well-prepared interviewee demonstrates commitment and dedication, ...

Tech Sperts Osint With Kris Jones, Nisos
Explore the Power of Open Source Intelligence: A Beginner's Guide

​Kris Jones, Director of Engineering at Nisos, provides an introduction to OSINT and how it can be used by engineers and those in various industries to uncover a world of information in minutes!Th...

My Accidental Journey into Intelligent Automation: Q&A with Emily Hogarty
My Accidental Journey into Intelligent Automation: Q&A with Emily Hogarty

​Emily Hogarty Business Analyst at EY shares how a career in tech can be for anyone!From previously studying Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Emily had every intention of becoming a Cancer Researc...

VANRATH's Tech-sperts blog series
VANRATH's Tech-sperts blog series

​In case you missed it, we recently launched our new tech blog series featuring local experts and tech enthusiasts who share their industry insights, career advice and inspirational journeys!Whethe...

Assembling an MVP from an Engineering Leadership Perspective
Assembling an MVP: The Dos and Don’ts from an Engineering Leadership Perspective

​Kris Jones, Director of Engineering at Nisos shares his advice on how you can launch an MVP for a new startup or team based on his own experience and success!With over 10 years of experience in ...

Preparing for The Technical Interview: A Comprehensive Guide
Preparing For The Technical Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

Nathan Clarke shares his expert insights on how to ace your next technical interview!Tech Lead, Manager, Author and Instructor, Nathan Clarke has a wealth of experience in the technology industry w...

Your Guide To Changing Careers Later In Life
Restarting Your Career: A Guide to Changing Careers Later in Life

It’s never too late to dream a new dream or set a new goal!The thought of changing careers can be a daunting one for anyone, but this can be extra challenging for those who have been in their fi...

Blog Post Feature Image Size (13)
Why You Should Consider A Career In Contracting

​There are endless benefits to contract employment, although many people will only consider permanent positions – bypassing the fantastic opportunities that come with interim work!We’re here to h...

What to do if you've been made redundant
Where To Do If You've Been Made Redundant

Worried about the rise in redundancy? We can help with what to do next!In a recent article we read that Google's parent company Alphabet was one of the latest tech titans to announce major layoff...

5 simple tips on how to find your dream job in 2023
5 Simple Tips To Land Your Dream Job In 2023

​Kick-start your 2023 job search with these expert tips!As we enter the new year, many of us are feeling more inspired to start something new and a change in careers or a move up in your industry...

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7 Ways To Refresh For Work In The New Year

Get set up for success in 2023 with these simple steps!​As we get ready to enter 2023, there can be a lot of pressure to return to work motivated, organised and refreshed. But instead of setting ...

Brown Modern Fashion Photo Collages (Card (Landscape))
6 Reasons December Is The Best Time To Find A New Job

What many people don’t know is that it’s actually one of the best times to seal your dream job!We know what you’re thinking… Christmas is the time of year for winding down and taking some time of...

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​Didn’t ace your A-Levels? Don’t panic! Do this… 

​Didn’t ace your A-Levels? Don’t panic! Do this… A-Level results day is upon us. And while some will be celebrating, for some whose results are less than expected it can feel like a crushing dis...