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Your Guide To Changing Careers Later In Life
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Restarting Your Career: A Guide to Changing Careers Later in Life

  • Publish Date: Posted over 1 year ago
  • Author:by VANRATH
It’s never too late to dream a new dream or set a new goal!

The thought of changing careers can be a daunting one for anyone, but this can be extra challenging for those who have been in their field for quite some time. If you’ve spent years studying and gaining experience in one area, the uncertainty of starting again can feel too much.

However, we are here to remind you that it can be done! There are so many people out there from a variety of backgrounds that we have helped secure a role in a new area! So why wouldn’t you be able to? If deep down you know it’s time for a change, you’re not alone and we are here to help.

Still unsure if it’s time to restart? Ask yourself if you can relate to any of the below…

Some signs it’s time for a career change:
  • You’re experiencing burnout

  • The passion is gone

  • You dread Mondays back at work

  • Work is affecting your relationships

  • Lack of progression where you are

  • Feeling unfulfilled

  • Every day is difficult

  • Incompatible with your current company

If three or more of these phrases describe your day-to-day work life, then we’d say it’s time for a career change! Sometimes these feelings can arise around work - for instance everybody can dread a Monday back at work or have a stressful day from time to time, but if these things are your norm then you know it’s time to rethink career paths.

Don’t be disheartened, once you know it’s time for a career change that’s when you can take action and start to get excited about what new opportunities are out there!

Where do you even begin? Check out these steps to get you started:

1. Don’t delay

Set all those feelings of fear and anxiety to the side while you take one step at a time forward in a new direction – it isn’t going to happen overnight! Whether you take action today or not, time will keep moving so you may as well use some of it to work towards making a change. You don’t want to live your life wondering what could have been, you owe it to yourself to try!

2. Identify your passions and strengths

Before embarking on a new career path, it's important to understand your interests, passions, and strengths. This will help you determine what you want to do and what you're good at. What is it you love doing and could this be a possible career path for you? Chances are you probably have a lot of transferable skills that could be useful for several career paths, so do your research!

3. Take advantage of a recruitment agency

Our job is to find talented candidates and place them in their dream careers! With expert recruiters who specialise in areas such as IT, Accountancy, Finance, Sales, Marketing and Construction to name a few, we have a wealth of knowledge in the industry and can help you get closer to your career goals. Whether it’s CV advice, interview tips or industry insights, we have all the information and know what employers are looking for!

RELATED TO: Why you should consider working exclusively with one recruiter

4. Research the job market

Once you have an idea of what you want to do, do your own research into the job market in your desired field. Look at job descriptions, required qualifications and expected salaries. This will give you a better idea of what you can expect in terms of job opportunities and salary. When you have an idea of what you might be interested in, we can help you even more!

5. Utilise your connections

If you have connections in your desired industry, make sure to stay in touch as there could be opportunities all around. Networking is key when changing careers, so reach out to new people, ask for advice, information, and possible job leads. Attend industry events and conferences to give you a better understanding and help build relationships in the field.

6. Rebranding yourself

Depending on your previous career, some rebranding might be in order. If you know what you would like to move into, then you need to reflect this on your CV and professional LinkedIn profile. Recruiters and employers will check your Linkedin to make sure it aligns with what they are looking for, so make sure it’s up to date with relevant transferable skills and personal information.

RELATED TO: How to write a good CV

7. Upgrade your skills

Depending on your desired career path, you may need to upgrade your skills or earn additional qualifications. Consider taking classes, earning certifications, or going back to school to enhance your knowledge and expertise. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or expand your knowledge!

8. Gain experience

Look for opportunities to gain experience in your desired field. This could include internships, part-time work, or volunteering. Maybe you’ve found you need a certain degree or qualification to get your desired job, look into what options are out there! Not only will this help you build skills, but it will also give you valuable experience to add to your CV.

9. Plan your transition

If you are currently employed, consider transitioning gradually by exploring part-time opportunities, taking on freelancing projects, or starting a side business. This will allow you to build up experience and contacts in your desired field before fully committing to a career change.

10. Be patient and persistent

It might take a while to find that perfect opportunity and you may encounter a lot of ‘nos’ along the way, but just remember it only takes one ‘yes’ and it could be just around the corner! Stay patient and persistent, put in the work and the right opportunity won’t pass you.

Get in touch with any of our friendly recruitment consultants today who can help you with your next career move. From CV advice, market insights, interview tips and more!

Call us at 028 9033 0250 and send your CV to