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Why you should consider working exclusively with one recruiter

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author:by VANRATH

You see a job, you want the job, but how do you increase your chances of getting that job?

Team up with a recruitment expert! You may think we are simply saying this because we want you to work with us, however, research has shown you have more chance of landing a role with expert support than you do on your own. An experienced recruiter can steer you in the right direction if you are unsure of where to start. They can also highlight and discuss roles you may not have previously considered that match your skillset and goals.

Don’t forget, working with a recruiter is a free service and costs nothing but your time and cooperation!

Reasons why you should work exclusively with one recruiter
  • If your CV is in multiple places, there's a chance that it could be sent out to the same place multiple times. While you may think blasting out your CV in front of an employer a few times is a good thing. However, it actually has the opposite effect and can put a potential employer off. At VANRATH, we ensure your CV is in front of the right people at the right time.

  • It’s one thing to have a well-written CV, but that coupled with a personal recommendation from a recruiter will help bump you to the top of the applicant pile!

  • Employers like exclusivity, they like the loyalty it highlights, and with that comes the confidence that you are serious about the role you have applied for.

  • If you are teamed up with multiple agencies, you’ll likely spend a lot of time communicating back and forth, this could be time consuming and stressful for you. We believe the recruitment process should be as stress-free as possible.

Quick Tips: How to make the most out of your time with a recruiter.
  • Honesty is the best policy. Your recruiter will want to find you the most suitable role that meets your career and salary expectations, so be as transparent as you can about what you want.

  • Take and use the expert’s advice. Whether this is about a company you are interviewing with, how to prepare for an interview or improving your CV. We have been building career success stories for over 21 years, so we know what we’re talking about.

  • When presenting yourself to a recruiter, you should do so in the same way that you would a potential employer. This provides your recruiter insight into your professional demeanour and how you will present yourself in interviews.

  • Always maintain open communication with your recruiter around any opportunities in the pipeline, other recruitment agencies you are using, and previous roles and companies you have applied for.

AT VANRATH, all of our recruitment consultants are experts within their specialist sectors. They have in-depth knowledge of the local recruitment market which is unrivalled in Northern Ireland.

To discuss your next career move, please contact us on 02890 330 250 or e-mail