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Graduation and Beyond...

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author:by VANRATH

What is your next step in a post-covid world?

With exam season finishing and university coming to an end, you may find yourself with a multitude of questions. Where do I find graduate jobs? What is the best graduate scheme for me in Northern Ireland? What options do I have? What should I be doing?

While some people may have their future career path planned out, others will be left in a state of uncertainty regarding their next step. Here at VANRATH we aim to provide expert consultation on your next career move, with this blog identifying potential opportunities for Northern Ireland's most recent graduates.

Apply for a Graduate Scheme/ Graduate Job
Perhaps the most obvious university exit option is to apply for some form of entry-level graduate job. Such an option provides you, a new graduate, with a supporting environment in which you can utilise your university level education while receiving the ideal training and support to build a successful career within your degree field.

There are a number of entry-level roles within the Northern Irish job market that are ideal for a recent graduate and here at VANRATH, we offer our services to those who are graduating in sectors that are experiencing exponential growth such as, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), as well as other graduate opportunities including the Public Sector and Software Development.

To see more of these opportunities visit the VANRATH website:

Continue Your Education
Another possible avenue for NI graduates is to continue their educational journey to a postgraduate level. Whether you wish to specialise even further within your subject field, or you want to re-skill within an area that hosts a more lucrative job market, the option to continue education at a postgraduate level could present you with even more career opportunities. Universities across the UK and Ireland offer a number of postgraduate courses that allow you to enhance your skillset, or convert your undergraduate degree to a qualification more suited to your individual interests.

With the growth of global STEM job opportunities, there has been a shift in university enrolment trends as students
are opting to lengthen their studies and shift their subject areas towards this lucrative sector. Availing of this opportunity could allow you to become
more sought after within the Northern Irish job market, as you will have obtained a postgraduate qualification within growing industrial fields.

VANRATH currently offers over 300 job roles within a multitude of sectors experiencing exponential growth.

Go Travelling/ Take a Gap-Year
Another popular option for graduates is to travel the world following the conclusion of their degree. The most popular destinations for a gap-year as of 2022 are Australia and New Zealand. The short-term employment options are at a premium here, offering you the opportunity to finance your travels. Other popular decisions include touring continents such as Asia and Europe, allowing you to experience new cultures which could potentially result in establishing new ideas regarding future career moves.

Pursue your talents
With the continued digital evolution, it has become easier than ever for graduates to follow their passions by starting an online business. Availing of social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter could result in you figuring out how you could incorporate your passions within your future career path.

The future for graduates is looking stronger than ever as we evolve past the recent global pandemic. In addition, it is evident that there is no set structure of what graduates should be doing once they conclude their studies.
However, should you opt to enter the job market and build a successful career path, VANRATH can assist in providing expert advice and guidance to you when exploring the highly competitive and expansive recruitment field.

Connect with our website and socials to keep up to date with hints, tips and current job openings here at VANRATH.