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VANRATH IT is the preferred recruiter for the most prestigious businesses in the IT sector, across Northern Ireland, and globally. As a professional in the industry, it is our hope that you have already heard about the work we do; however, in such a noisy market, we want to take the opportunity to clearly outline the unique offering registering with VANRATH represents.
We guarantee total confidentiality, always
We appreciate that professionals in the prime of their careers are in a particularly delicate position when it comes to personal development. The risk, not to mention the stress, of identifying the best next move can ultimately lead many individuals to inaction. Whilst inactivity may not necessarily sound harmful - stagnation can be detrimental to fulfilling your career potential.
VANRATH IT is in the business of helping professionals make perfectly timed, strategic, career-building moves. By allowing experts to manage your career for you, you choose a totally risk-free route for personal progression.
VANRATH is staunchly confidential- it’s one of our key ethos. We know how sensitive a career change can be, and we work to protect and further your best interests. We understand the recruitment processes for the full breadth of IT roles and work to demystify these processes for our candidates. We will ensure you are fully prepared and there are no surprises on the day you meet your potential new employer: you’ll just need to let your experience and personality do the talking.
We specialise in success stories
So why trust us? Because we have a proven track-record. Our consultants have expert knowledge of the IT industry and have been placing candidates at the most senior levels for a long time; we have single-handedly recruited the senior teams for BazaarVoice and Unosquare to name just two examples. We work hard to make sure we have the best client relationships and it is the strength of these relationships that give VANRATH the exclusive opportunities to recruit for the best roles in the industry; we can make the most meaningful introductions to move your career to the next level and we are proud to specialise in success stories.
We already mentioned the disservices of inaction. Making sure that your skills and expertise are continually developing, in new environments, will increase your personal value exponentially; it will ensure you contribute invaluably to any team you are part of, and this value will also allow you to command the salaries and opportunities you desire for the duration of your working life. VANRATH can assist you in developing in the right direction.
Want to find out more about the advantages of registering with VANRATH IT? Call our consultants on 028 9033 0250 (NI) or 0152 674 68 (ROI) to find out more about how we can work with you.
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